Try using one that you reapply to exposed areas.
You cant just put it on once. Apply every hour if your sweating, or in the water.
I prefer coppertone brands they make a spray for quick apps.
Also if you can where a loose white top and sun visor .
There are also expnsv. sun block that Nutrogens makes that blocks out broad spectrum rays UVA/UVB ( more sun rays)called Ultra sheer, its good for faces.
Oh and if you clean your skin with an astringent, toner, or rubbing alcohol look at the cotton pad, it will be dark, it is your tan.What is the best way to restore your skin color after getting a tan from the sun?
you just have to let it fade. if you dont want to tan at all, cover up. and keep putting the sunscreen on.
you skin has released pigment and it has to work its way out of the cells for it to fade.
It seems to me you may be stuck being darker until such time as you can stay out of the sun. You might, however, check with Michael Jackson and see how he lightened up.
use a physical block (they have physical or chemical) that actually physically blocks the skin (think of the white stuff people put on there noses) i am sure you can find a product that works without looking white!
Try lime juice plus cucumber juice equal parts
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