Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What should i do to make my skin look good?

Now before i say anything, i know that no one can look perfect and its normal and blah blah blah but i still want to try to look the best i can. Well ive hit puberty but i barely just started the acne part of puberty, and i think my skin looks bad. So what kinds of things work to help from getting zits and blemishes. Also, my nose and the areas around it get red sometimes, so what should i do about that?What should i do to make my skin look good?
Whatever you do... DON'T pop them. That will only lead to more pimples and scarring. Make sure you wash your face twice a day, morning and night, with a good facial wash with no oil (I would suggest something from biore or neutrogena that cleanses your pores). It might be hard for you at first if you're a really lazy person (like me, lol) but once you get into the habit, you'lll feel really gross if you don't wash it. If the pimples continue and you notice you're starting to get rather large ones or have like 10 or 20 pimples at a time, I would suggest seeing a dermatologist.

Hope I helped! :)What should i do to make my skin look good?
Perhaps management of the acne condition expresses the best way to approach acne care for the young man during puberty. You can reduce the number and severity of the acne eruptions if you know what to do. Although there is disagreement amongst the experts on the subject, the boy in puberty should avoid using overly greasy foods and foods containing chocolate. Even if there is not a direct link between chocolate and acne, common sense would dictate that using a healthy food diet will stand you in good stead for your overall health.

Cleanliness of the fingers and for the entire acne prone area is important. An acne product

specifically formulated for acne care will be helpful if applied locally.

It is also important to realize that acne in teenage boys has a psychological impact on the youngster. Treat acne aggressively so that the incidents of scarring are minimal. This approach helps the youngster see that his self esteem is something that is important to you.

Puberty is a difficult time for most boys and the need for support and understanding while using any acne care product will help ease the progress through the tumultuous years.

Below is one of the best acne product from Acnezine which you should check out and not give it a miss.
Keep your skin clean. Use a daily facial cleanser in the morning. At night you can try an acne wash (something mild, maybe neutrogena?) Exfoliate 2-3 times a week with an exfoliating wash. Use moisterizer if u need it, but make sure that it's oil free. For the redness, in the morning use a cleanser that helps reduce redness. My mom has redness and she uses washes like this. Good luck!
my Grandmother always told me to

1. wash your face everyday (twice is better)

2. Don'tt touch your face a lot because i learned it the hard way because i just turned into a teenager to so i find that helps

3. Nver never every touch your face after using something

and i use nutragena and when i put it on and wash it off

DRY BY PATTING NEVER RUB, it will make your face red

best of luck 2 you and all the other teens out there
dont use anything with salycic acid in it it iritates your skin or the pads the chameicals in them make your face red

the best products for me out there are clean and clear pro activ and noutrogena

the netrogena wave works really good
1) First, NEVER pick - this will cause perm damage to your skin that not even lasers can erase. You can wash your face in warm not hot water and then gently speeze out pimples with 2 q-tips. Always follow up with cold water to close your pores.

2) Invest in a good multi-vitamin! Lack of vitamins can cause too much or too little oil. Both are bad.

3) Exercise, Eat, and Drink WATER. Exercise gets your blood flowing which feeds your skin. Water moisturizes your skin and diminshes oil. (Soda will cause dryness and keep vitamins from being absorbed.) ';Good oil'; foods are nuts %26amp;, fish. Chocolate affects hormones, but it may or may not cause you to break out. The oils and salts in french fries and fast foods are bad for your skin.

4) Always wear an oil-free, light sunscreen. Sun, wind, and water dries, reddens, and discolores your acne - prone skin.

5) Wear as little make-up as possible, no matter what brand - this will clog your pores.

6) Keep your hands and your hair off your face during day and at night. Dirt and Products will cause major breakouts.

7) The redness around your nose, can be caused by dryness, so you can put a light moisturizer (with aloe or vitamin e) just there at night, but the sunscreen may be enough for day. Your skin is thinner around nose and eyes, so you often do see blood vessels here - so maybe just a dab of concealer if it REALLY bothers you.

8) You will need to keep your pores clear, but never scrub or use srub products! This spreads bacteria. You can use a mild salicylic acid to prevent zits or a benzoid peroxide to heal zits. As for cleansers, use only a GENTLE milk or gel product.
  • black heads
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