I have a jack russel and he has been itching alot lately. He doesnt have any sores or anything just itches and I'm looking for something I can do about it by using home remedies.My dog seems to have dry itchy skin looking for home remedy any ideas?
Start with making sure he's drinking enough. Dehydrated dogs get really dry skin. If it doesn't clear up I'd go to your vet as they are the best people to diagnose and treat it. good luckMy dog seems to have dry itchy skin looking for home remedy any ideas?
Bathe him with a soothing oatmeal bath. NOT an oatmeal dog shampoo though (there is a difference ;). Aveeno 100% Colloidal Oatmeal Bath is the best thing for this. It's actually for humans, so you can pick it up in the bath aisle at the supermarket or drugstore. It comes in a box of with about 8 packets. Make sure it's the 100% Colloidal Oatmeal!
Mix a packet or two in some warm water. If your dog is small enough to bathe in the sink that would be best, otherwise have him lay down in the tub. You want to get a decent mixture in the water. Then open another packet and mix a bit at a time with a cupful of water, pouring it slowly down his back/body. Let it sit for about 10-15 minutes before rinsing him with warm water.
You might have to bathe him again within a few days, even 2 more times, if his skin is really bad.
Also start giving him fish oil pills. The omega-3s will really help condition his skin and coat so he can retain moisture. 2-3 pills daily will do fine, and you can get the ones sold for human use (the dog-specific ones are just more expensive).
Do NOT put any flea treatment on your dog OR wash him with shampoo or anything containing soap. This stuff will only further irritate his skin and dry him out even more.
Consider getting a humidifier. At my house we've all been battling dry skin since turning the heat up this winter. If you can't afford one, hang a wet towel on a doorknob in your room (leave the very ends of the towel dry so it doesn't drip). Overnight (or during the day) the moisture will evaporate into the air giving your doggy a little extra relief. You might even try hanging a few wet towels or cloths around, especially near his dog bed.
Keep the house clean and vacuumed to minimize dust and other irritants in the air. Also try washing his dog bed with a mild detergent, and be sure to use dryer sheets or fabric softeners to reduce static electricity in the fabric. Just be sure that the products you use are not too irritating (meaning too much fragrance or chemicals).
Hi :-)
I'm not sure what the climate is where you live, but if you are in Summer, or the warmer months, your dog probably has an allergy, or hypersensitivity. It may look like he has fleas when in fact he doesnt, but if a flea, or some other insect, say an ant, has bitten him, it ends up in either dry flaky skin, or in worse cases, red, moist welts.
I would suggest not treating him for fleas as often... but do treat his surrounds. A pyrethrin (sp?) spray is a great way to go and concentrated versions can be purchased from your vet which you then dilute with water and put in a spray pack. Concentrate on any areas of your yard that are very dry, Because Jack Russels are terriers and often love to dig, you will often find your dog naturally seeking the dryest areas of your yard, and that's where the nasties often live, too! You can also spray the dog with a fine mist... but BEWARE... keep it well away from any feline friends you might have!
Dogs need natural oils in their coats to protect their skin and fur. Too many baths too often strips these oils. I know it is hard if you have an inside doggy and those doggy smells become hard to put up with, but as an alternative to baths, try a dry shampoo, or doggy cologne.They do actually work quite well.
Lastly, try an Omega Blend Oil in his dinner. I dont have a ';home'; remedy, but these oils are available in most pet shops and contain varying amounts of safflower oil, flaxseed oil , sunflower oil, cod liver oil,
evening primrose oil, wheat germ oil with additional vit E depending on the brand.
One local (Australia) suggetsion is Dr Bruce Syme's Vet's All Natural range which you can google easily:
Omega Blend Oil supplies a potent natural
source of Omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids
and vitamins A, D, and E.
Dr Syme believes that defi ciency of many of these
natural vitamins and fatty acids will contribute
to the emergence of allergic tendencies, and an
over-reactive immune system.
Omega Blend
contains 100%
pure, human
grade, cold
pressed oils.
Flax Seed Oil,
Shark Liver Oil,
Sunfl ower Oil
and Wheat
Germ Oil.
Hope this helps!
you can try adding fish oil, preferably salmon oil to your dogs food. but what you should be concerned about is your dog being allergic to his food, take a look at the ingredients, you want to make sure that the food has no corn, by-product, wheat and or soy. you should see that the first ingredient in your dogs food is meat.
hope this helps.
Diet can have a lot to do with that. What are you feeding him?
If corn or wheat show up in any form in the first 5 ingredience of your dogfood, switch to something that doesn't have corn or wheat. If price is no issue, Solid Gold or Innova are great dogfoods. If those are just way too expensive, you can go for nutro naturals, they have a ';sensitive skin'; formula that works well.
If you use one tablespoon baby oil and one tablespoon water brushed into the fur with a soft brush then wipe dog down with a damp (not wet) towel to remove excess.
If you add one tablespoon origin Listerine to the same recipe it is good for hot spots where dog has scratched up a sore.
I have 3 Rat/Fox Terriers dogs and they would itch all the time too. I found out that the shampoo I used was to strong for there skin. So, now all I use is baby shampoo and they don't have that problem anymore. Plus,they smell so good!
He has developed an allergy. Have you changed his food lately? You can waste lots of money on home remedies but until you find the cause you will not cure him.
Never use human shampoo on a dog!!! There are plenty wonderful dog shampoos made especially for them, not us. Mellaluca oil shampoo is a great dog shampoo.
You might try a better quality food. Dog foods with grain fillers often result in itchy skin.
Did you wash him with shampoo? Try using only water for a while
Fish oil vitamins for dogs!
i think your dog has fleas
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