I have sensitive, acne-prone skin with redness (possibly rosacea?) Are there any over-the counter remedies for this that I can find in my local drug store? Any home remedies? I think I've found a way to control my outbreaks, but I still get redness from healing acne and general redness in my face.What can I put on my skin to reduce redness?
Physicians Formula has a pressed powder called ';veil';. It was created for people who have had surgery and other serious face issues. Now, it is sold at your local drug store for anyone. Its a good cover up, but to get rid of it you may need to see the doc.What can I put on my skin to reduce redness?
vitamin A acid helps scars
i recently bought this acne kit called clear zone, i saw an improvment the first day i used it. it helps with redness, scars and acne.
Lotion or see a dermatologist. Or ask your doctor. Aloe vera works too!
HI i am pravin %26amp; your name plz
try warming a green tea bag in hot water. break the tea bag open and put the leaves on your red spots for about 10-15 minutes. should help good luck!
use some lotion it will make your skin smoother and softer too.
First STOP using commercial skin care! GO ORGANIC or NATURAL. I had rosaceae (red blemishes on the cheeks) until I started using TEA TREE OIL organic soap from: www.SANDYCREEKSOAP.etsy.com ($2.50 a bar). It cleared it up in like a week.... and this was something I battled with for YEARS!!!! TEA TREE OIL SOAP is good for rosaceae, acne, phoriasis, poison ivy (it worked great for that too) and bug bites. I can’t NOT itch when something itches me... But, this soap makes you NOT itch. When it does, wet the area then quickly rub the bar on the area... it’s like instant relief. I keep one bar in the freezer and when I get a bug bite or some other serious itch, I wet it, rub it, and then ahhhhh!!!! They are very helpful with skin problem questions, they will even design a bar for your skin type based on your skin conditions - that’s not something you find. They only charged me like $5 buck a bar for the custom. You want/need HANDMADE or hand-milled soap made the old fashion way. If not them, then “someone” else who sells handmade organic. Their soaps have GLYCERIN in them (a natural moisture retainer). In STORE bought soap glycerin is sold for profit and replaced with a chemical called sodium lauryl sulfate to add lather which is listed in the encyclopedia as a skin IRRITANT. I know, I couldn’t believe it either, but look it up! This chemical is found in 98% of ALL STORE bought soaps. SCARY, HU? READ THE BACK! (Even the ones claiming to be natural or clean). BUT (and I’m not trying to sell you on them) The soaps at SANDY CREEK SOAP COMPANY are organic, natural AND eco friendly. S%26amp;H is only like a dollar fifty, and I got my order in a few days. If you are on short notice ask for faster shipping. And best of all they are CHEAP! Most eco friendly products are so expensive you can’t AFFORD to save the world. Hope this helped...
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