I have bits of loose skin on the skin around some of my nails (not cuticles), some of it's quite dry and I don't know what to do to get rid of it, because it makes my fingers look awful.
I do bite my nails occasionally when I'm nervous (although I am trying to stop now), so could this have anything to do with it?
Any ideas on how to make my fingers look better?
Thank you!How do I get rid of skin around my nails?
I use to get those....aside from going for a manicure....try this...
Go get one of those buffer pads from the drug store. Not a nail file...though you will need tht too...get both! Get a buffer...and a nail file! LOL So then....go home and soak your hands in warm water for about 3 minutes...dry them...then use the buffer on the tops of your nails and down the sides of your fingers (but make sure u trimmed any loose skin...it wil hurt if it gets ripped more) use the buffer as an exfoliant on the sides of your finger where its dry and rippd up. Then...wen its all buffed...use the nail file to make all the nails even. Then go wash your hands. Dry them...and apply lotion. I usually try and rub it in all over my hands...but focus on your cuticles! Wash your hands an additional time if you feel sticky from the lotion...ta da! yer done!
:)How do I get rid of skin around my nails?
Mine are the same. You can use cuticle cream. They sale it anywhere, pretty much. You just apply it and rub it in and let it sit. Then wipe it off. It's really oily, which helps with the loose bits of skin. Your skin is just too dry. :)
Soak them in warm water, and use a cuticle skin remover., also you can use any nail cream. Good Luck.
u cant
dont try to get rid of it because its skin n u'll bleed
just leave it alone. maybe it'll grow out
use nail clippers to
cut off the skin (:
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