Thursday, July 22, 2010

What should i do about the skin under eyes?

I'm really self concious about my dark under eyes. Also the skin under my eyes is very fragile, hollow, and has some lines so i can't cover it up with makeup or it'll look worse.

I use to have like perfect eyes like a few months ago. I don't know what happened. I've been really depressed over it and My mom won't take me to the dermatoligst so i don't know what to do?What should i do about the skin under eyes?
Well, the way to cover it is with makeup. You get a cover up slightly lighter than your skin tone %26amp; apply it only to the dark areas, then cover with a light powder in your skin tone.

Dark circles can be from lack of sleep, so try getting to bed a little earlier. They can also be from allergies so if you think you may be allergic to something, you may want to get tested %26amp; get some meds for allergies. Corticosteroid nasal spray I find works great! No side effects %26amp; no drugged feeling or drowsiness. Just no allergies!

If your skin doesn't look healthy then maybe you aren't eating right or maybe you have some underlying problem. You are what you eat, so get on the lean meats, vegetables, fruits, fibre, not too much spice or salt %26amp; lots of water. Your skin will look better.What should i do about the skin under eyes?
Some of the home remedies I know are cucumber slices and tea bags. If you want to buy an eye cream, buy one with Vitamin K. Report Abuse

I dont know what to tell you if makeup isn't covering it up. Maybe getting more sleep at night will make it go away...?

Good Luck! =0/

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